Hair, Beauty or Diamond: What's a Girl's Best Friend?

May 02, 2024Ali Adil

The Beauty Bias - A Social Misconception 

It's a common occurrence, whether intentional or not, for people to judge based on appearances rather than inner qualities. From picking mates, interviewing job applicants and choosing politicians, research studies repeatedly confirm society's bias toward beauty, reflecting signs of youth, health and attractiveness. This is simply a fact of life and should be acknowledged, analysed and watched out for! 

Appearance matters to society and to ourselves regardless of other people's opinions. Do our appearances matter to us personally? How often do we look into the mirror each day? If the answer is more than once or twice, then the answer is yes. Our looks and appearances do matter to us. 

What is beauty? 

The endless debate on what beauty is. The concept of beauty has been debated for centuries and is a complex and subjective matter. Beauty is different for each individual and culture, making it impossible to have a universal definition. But a quote from Audrey Hepburn sums it up well, "The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring she lovingly gives and the passion she knows." 

The True Concept of Beauty and Its Importance 

Beauty is far more than just physical appearance. It starts and comes from within, from self-love: self-contentment, self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. This healthy inner health and true beauty, in turn, radiates and inspires love and passion outwards, driving the progression of society forward. Beauty is vital to life, ranking just after the top five life essentials after air, water, food, shelter, and sleep, regardless of our race and culture. 

Hair and the Beauty 

The function of human hair goes far beyond its fundamental physical protection or biological role to minimise body heat loss to keep warm or protect the scalp from harmful UV radiation from the Sun. Hair also becomes a means of expression and communication through styling and colouring. The hair's aesthetic, colour, style and shape or even in its absence, represent an integral part of the appearance, self-perception and self-expression, defining an individual's identity, gender, personality, creativity, emotional stages and even social or health status, reflecting one's beauty inside out. 

7 Reasons Why Hair Can Be a Girl's Best Friend 

  1. Hair is the first thing noticed in a crowded place or from a distance, not the face. 
  2. Hair enhances beauty, reflecting health and presenting a pleasant appearance. 
  3. A thick head of hair with appropriate style can make a person appear 10-15 years younger. 
  4. Healthy hair and scalp with a neat hairstyle boost self-confidence. 
  5. Hair is a quick, convenient and fun way to express (or disguise) oneself. 
  6. A well-coiffed or section highlights hairstyle can do wonders for overall presentation. 
  7. Hair represents an integral part of the face and overall appearance. 

The Beauty of Diamonds 

Diamonds are said to be a girl's best friend, but why is this the case? The brilliance and fire of a diamond can reflect light in a way that is unmatched by other gems or stones. The sparkle and shine of a diamond can instantly grab the attention and make a statement, making the wearer feel special and glamorous. That is also why diamonds are often associated with luxury, wealth, status and prestige. 

Diamonds have also been used as an expression of love and commitment, making them a popular choice for engagement rings, wedding bands, and other special jewellery pieces. The unique characteristics of a diamond, such as its hardness, durability, colour varieties and rarity, make it a prized possession that can be passed down from generation to generation. 


A girl's best friend can be different things to different people, but there are common themes that run through all the options. Hair and its beauty can enhance one's appearance, self-love, confidence and inner beauty, while diamonds symbolise luxury, wealth, status and commitment, making them a timeless symbol of love, beauty and elegance. 

Ultimately, what makes a person's best friend is a matter of personal choice. Picking either one or both is unimportant since they complement each other, and each of these options can bring a sense of beauty, joy and well-being to someone's life. 

Hair Thinning and Aging, the inevitable! 

People talk a lot about skin aging, while hair aging is not even mentioned until there is something noticeably wrong. 

Growing thick, vibrant hair fast is easy when someone is young, before their mid-20s when the growth is the most vigorous with maximum density. After their mid 20's, the growth duration of each subsequent hair cycle becomes shorter than the preceding one. 

All too soon, you become aware that your hair is thinning, perhaps via noticing the size of your ponytail; once so thick that you could only double twist your tie, now you have to twist it three or four times, and you have already lost one third of your entire scalp hairs! 

That is why preventive measures and good hair and scalp health routine are so important and necessary early in life rather than later. 

Thick, Strong, Vibrant Hair that boosts self-love 

For those who peruse and choose hair and beauty, I highly recommend considering using genuine follicle-friendly and hair growth-promoting consumables like Activance instead the harsh, potentially hazardous or harmful ones in your everyday hair and scalp routine because it will make a real difference in the anti-thinning, anti-falling and anti-aging effect on your hair and scalp for many years to come. Activance contains bioidentical nutrients to grow thick, strong, healthy hair and to treat lifeless, weak, damaged or thinning hair. 

Entry Invitation and Rewards 

Lastly, if you have any comments on this blog or wish to share any life experience stories to inspire other readers, please write to us. 

Please note that your identity and privacy will be respected and protected. 

The Two most informative communication entries received from our participants by 28FEB-2023 will receive a free gift of Activance hair growth nutrient treatment triple packs valued at $200 each of their choice with compliments from Activance. 

Happy Valentines

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